A Guide For Long Motorhome Road Trip

Taking your motorhome on a long road trip is an exciting adventure, but long trips come with unique challenges. How do you keep everyone entertained? How do you avoid long road trip pitfalls, such as running out of gas? How do you handle an unexpected emergency?

Here at Trailer Source, we strive to make your life easier. That’s why we created the following guide to a long motorhome road trip. If you have any questions or want to explore motorhomes for sale, head over to our dealership. We run three dealerships in Colorado and proudly serve those in Colorado Springs and Denver.

Prepare The Motorhome

Start by making sure your motorhome is ready for the long drive. It’d be a shame if preventable issues creeped up during your trip and caused problems. That’s why it’s essential to do a pre-trip inspection.

Look over the various parts of the motorhome and make sure everything is in good working order.

Make sure the inspection includes:

  • Turnning on all lights.
  • Replacing any burnt out light bulbs.
  • Testing the appliances.
  • Measuring the tire air pressure and adjusting it if needed.

Prepare For Emergencies

As the old saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. A long motorhome trip means more time for an emergency to happen. Be sure to get a fully stocked first aid kit for medical issues. It’s also wise to bring along a toolkit in case any mechanical issues pop up.

Don’t forget to consider natural disasters. If there are any common natural disasters in the area you are traveling, such as wildfires or tornados, make an emergency plan. Be sure every traveler understands the plan. If you are bringing any pets along, figure out who is in charge of them during a natural disaster.

Pack Food Strategically

The longer the road trip, the more you will want to focus on healthy food. Sure, junk food is delicious. But it leaves people feeling sluggish – which is uncomfortable on a long drive! Pack plenty of healthy snacks to keep everyone’s energy up.

Consider Entertainment Options

Long road trips can result in boredom, which makes the drive less fun and can lead to cranky passengers. Be proactive about preventing boredom. See if you can stream a movie or show, listen to an audiobook or podcast, make a road trip playlist, or look up a list of road trip games. If you are traveling with kids, let them help pick the entertainment options.

Take Plenty Of Breaks

Yes, it’d be nice to reach the campsite sooner. But it’s better for everyone’s minds and bodies to take multiple breaks. You can even plan out breaks at fun destinations along the way, such as roadside attractions or scenic viewpoints.

Rotate Drivers

Try to change up who is driving the motorhome. It’ll not only make the trip more enjoyable for the drivers, it will also make the drive safer. Changing drivers helps fight against highway hypnosis, which is when the driver zones out and can’t remember the last bit that they drove. Highway hypnosis can be quite dangerous! It compromises the driver’s ability to spot obstacles and react in time. Switching drivers helps ensure the driver stays focused.

Fill Up Often

No one wants to end up stuck in the middle of nowhere and an empty tank of gas. Be proactive about visiting gas stations along the route. Try to keep the motorhome’s tank about half full. If there is an unexpected detour or delay, you’ll still have plenty of fuel to reach your destination.

We hope you found this trip planning guide helpful! For more travel advice or to shop motorhomes for sale, visit Trailer Source. Our friendly staff is always happy to assist you, from answering questions to providing advice. Don’t forget to ask about our financing options! We offer three dealerships throughout Colorado. We also proudly serve those in Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado.

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